Friday, September 20, 2013

Termite Inspections & Why You Need them

The WDI (wood destroying insect) Inspection for settlement.

Common Question.

What will the Termite inspector look for when he performs my inspection?

The inspector will be inspecting for the presence of visible wood destroying insect evidence and damages.
There are FIVE Wood Destroying Insects (WDI) an inspector is required to look for when performing the WDI report for settlement.

The 5 Wood destroying insects.
• Termites
• Carpenter Ants
• Carpenter Bees
• Old House Borers - Wood Borers
• Powder Post Beetles

What are the typical visible signs of an infestation?

These are some of the infestations our inspectors have found this year.
Termites live underground building mud shelter tubes to access and feed on wood. They will enter a home through any tiny crack or expansion joint. Heavy mulch, earth wood contact and excessive moisture or rotted wood are all conducive conditions. Termites feed on any cellulose material deriving their nutrition from the wood. Damaged Timber usually appears intact until probed.


Carpenter ants do not eat wood but hollow it out to nest within the wood. They are typically attracted to moist or rotting wood but will also infest perfectly sound timbers. 

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Carpenter Bees bore into wood cross grain creating a round entrance hole then turn with the grain and hollow out the wood building egg galleries within. The dime sized holes look as if they were drilled into the wood. Saw dust may be found below the timber. Sometimes woodpeckers will peck at the wood exposing the gallery while feeding on the eggs within.



Wood borer beetles lay eggs in wood. They are attracted to moist wood and typically found in crawl space or attic timbers. The larvae causes the damage as they feed on the timber. The damaged gallery and exit holes may have a powdery frass. Eggs can remain dormant for several years then hatch when conditions are suitable. New homes may also have signs of infestation from infected timber at the lumber yard.


What happens after the inspection is performed?

Barrier will prepare a WDI report of findings. If wood destroying insects are found a description, location graph of infected and/or damaged areas will be issued. Along with scope of work for corrective treatment and repair will be issued to the ordering Agent or client.

Evidence of infestation found?

[X] Yes- If visible evidence of active infestation or damage is found the inspector will make recommendations for corrective measures based on the findings and required guidelines of the legal WDI certification report. Barrier includes a one year renewable termite guarantee on treatment work performed.

[X] No- If no evidence of Wood destroying insects were found the report will be issued noting no visible evidence of a wood destroying insect infestation was visible at the time of inspection. Due to the biology and behavior of termites Barrier includes a one year renewable termite treatment guarantee as a courtesy for our agents. The Termite guarantee is attached to the report at settlement and issued to the buyer for protection against future termite invasion or the possibility of hidden Termite infestation.